
J&M tidbits

Last week we went to the Poconos mountains for our yearly trip. Very early into the vacation, Josiah decided it was time to crawl. He is nonstop! We had a great time in the mountains but I prefer the Tennessee mountains. It was still fun though. The place we stayed at was so nice! I don't have any pictures but Kennelle does.

It's hard to get back from vacation mode so I have slacked off in the cooking. It's been quick easy meals for now. I need to get back in my groove.

Today, we went to Josiah's 9 month appointment. Yes, 9 months! He weighs 17 lbs 12.4 oz and is 27 inches long. I feel it necessary to have the .4 included since he had trouble gaining in the beginning. He is growing just perfect and developing just fine. He finally made it on the charts. Doc says to keep letting him try table foods to our discretion and Josiah just loves it. I think I held off completely for matti. I'm not sure if I mentioned it but Josiah can clap and produce sound. He finds this extremely entertaining. He also pulls up and cruises but he thinks he can walk do he lets go. Of course he topples down. that's right, I remember, this is where you have a heart attack every two seconds.

Matti is too funny. We had just woken up from a nap and Matti was on our bed. Josiah was slapping my stomach and matti says, "Mommy, Siah came out your belly?" I told him yes. "but why?" I told him I make babies, haha. "Hmm..maybe I can make babies too!" I told him that only girls make babies but he said that boys could too. That was the end of it but it was cute.

These two are going to be fun to watch together. Their personalities are so different but you can see the love they have for each other.

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