
Dinner Dilemma

We've been having what I call "Dinner Dilemma" for a week or so now. Since I work until 6pm every night, it's really hard for us to have dinner at a decent time. Our average dinner time was 8pm every night, and I just feel that it's so late since Matti has to go to bed soon & Jason goes to bed early. He likes to sleep. I then feel like I've spent no time with them and it makes me feel like I'm in a slump. I do my best to try to think ahead of time what we'll have for dinner, but honestly, I'm a bad preggo & I don't really have cravings for much of anything. Between 4:30-5:00, I'll call Jason for dinner ideas and just like me, he doesn't have any cravings. By the time it's time for me to leave work, I just want to pick up something (usually Chinese) for dinner so I don't have to worry about cooking. It gets pretty boring after a while.

The other day, I wanted to find "new" recipes for dinner. I somehow ran into one of my old recipes (Taco Soup) and told Jason we had to have it sometime this week. He returned back with, "I've been wanting your chili for a while though.." So, off I went looking for my recipe. Well, I think that most of them are at my parents' house on their computer =/ So, I had to search all my previous blogs, forums, etc for any place that I might have posted them. I found some of them and I was excited to have found some of our favorites again. I also ran into a few of my crock pot recipes and decided that I was going to use it yesterday. How perfect! I can start it before I leave for work (varies between 11am-1pm) and we can have dinner right at a decent time! We've been going on walks before dinner, so it would be around 7pm. I'm okay with that! So, I've busted my crock pot out and will be using it a lot more often now. Dinner Dilemma solved!

*Although dinner was ready by the time I got home, I got a call from my dad asking us to come over to we can have Seder Meal since it was Passover. So, after a few test tastes (boy was it good), we are having it for lunch instead. I'm really excited for lunch today, haha. *

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