

i ran today. I'm trying to get myself moving. Watching Fit tv makes me laugh & I feel goofy trying to do it with them. So, I decided to run again. I used to do it before I got married so I've decided to start back up. My goal is to be outside for an hour. Running for 30 mins for now. I started today & since I'm so out of shape, I was only out there for 30 mins. I didn't want to push myself, I've done it before bike riding with Jake & I passed out. I didn't want that to happen again. I ran for 10 minutes of the 30 minutes. Lame, I know. & part of it is because I walk the first & last five minutes...supposedly better? So hopefully the running number will go up while the walking goes down. & once I get that, I'll move onto the hour :) Also, I still want to go on walks with Matti in the evenings. I chose day runs because I feel self-concious about people seeing me run/work out & most of the people are at work. I saw another lady running at the end of mine haha. So yea..I hope to keep this up. I'm glad I pushed myself to go outside today..I kept trying to make excuses, but I made myself do it. :)

1 comment:

christa said...

I'm pretty jealous -- I've been trying to do more physical activity, but after dealing with stressful customers at work all day, I just want to chill when I come home.

I might try to do something in the mornings before work, but I love my sleep and have to wake up before 7am as it is. I know that's not terribly early, but stillll. I'll always find excuses, haha.